Tuesday, December 22, 2009
LitTle ShITty
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My days and my n3w BABE
following would be my new babe
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Beautiful Gates 03.10.2009
location o this foundation is just at PJ ss2. the main road which near SS2 murni. Most of the people here are having spinal muscular atophy肌肉萎缩症 or spinocerebellar atrophy脊髓小脑萎缩症. where ur nerve can't really communicate with each other to delivered the correct signal to your body. if any of you watch ONE LITTLE OF TEARS, is just something similar like tat.We are having games, and sharing moment with the people around.it's really a good experience and a heart touching one to share their story. guess wat, the children perform a sketch for us somemore but too bad tat didn't record it down.
SunRIs3 on 27.09.09
As I wake up at 5am for BROGA HILL hiking. Had plan for this back in july but just lazy to organize one. thanks to REY for the calling hehehehe. 6 of us, ah chan chan, jason, jien hau,keith and rey 浩浩荡荡的出发了
The entrance of broga hill is a palm oil estate. We are set to go at 5.30am so u can imagine how dark it gonna be.Besides is surprisingly that, there are so so so many people coming for this hill and the sunrise as well.
Guess it just turn into a famous spot ady. Is hard to explain how great when u have the breeze in the morning and lying on green grass like there's no other work anymore.frankly be honest, dun expect any nice sceneray as there just look good in the photo. therefore oni ppl like us can spend few hours on the hill to photomaniac hahaha.this would be the outcome of the day =P
mountain people mountain sea!!waiting for the sunrisehiking kakis
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
1957年8月31日,在“國父”東姑阿都拉曼帶領下,“默迪卡”響徹云霄,于是我們的國家誕生了。爭取獨立的先賢來自不同種族、宗教、教育背景,因為同一個夢想前進,開拓了一個叫馬來亞的國家。后來,砂拉越和沙巴加入了這個國家,我們的國家從此叫馬來西亞,而彼此之間知道隔海的另一邊,有一個叫東馬和西馬的地方。我們人民來自不同的種族,我們有馬來人、華人、印度人、卡達山人、伊班人等等,我們有不同膚色,也有不同的文化,也有不同的宗教,說著不同的語言,仿佛過著不一樣的生活。我們都有一個種族或宗教的身份,仿佛都有個標簽。過去,我們也曾經有過歧見,也有過不愉快的事件,馬共、513事件刻印在歷史中,是讓我們常常借鑒和學習的歷史痕跡。現在,我們的國家,今年52歲了。不同膚色,不同宗教的人民對于國家,會有什么樣的認同感呢?我是馬來人查哈敏是馬來人,他會說、會看、會寫中文。他最喜歡的歌手叫張惠妹,他喜歡的演員是鞏俐和張國榮,他非常喜歡《霸王別姬》。他曾是寬柔獨中的學生,他的華文測驗都不錯,文言文考試曾獲得92分。曾經,他以為自己是華人,他中學時干媽、朋友幾乎都是華人。他媽媽在家有空與就干媽等朋友打麻將,他父親曾是英國軍人,在香港住過一段日子,在家沒事就和兒子說廣東話。身為JB Boy的他從小喜歡看新加坡電視臺華語節目,仰慕范文芳、周初明等人,從小夢想參加“才華洋溢出新秀”,但開始發現,是咯,自己的膚色是不一樣的,可以參加么?他有次忍不住問父母,為何送他到華校讀書,他媽媽說:“你爸認為你沒有那么聰明,如果懂華語,至少可以在附近華人煤氣店幫uncle抬煤氣嚕.......!”氣得他幾乎吐血。可愛的查哈敏和他媽媽可是,他大學到瑪拉工藝大學深造時,他周圍幾乎都是馬來人,而且開始有種族認知上的沖擊。由于他曾經就讀獨中,與講師一般說英文,結果開始有同學諷刺他不是馬來人,或偽馬來人,讓他感到生氣也難過。他在15malaysia短片《Meter》中,戲中凱里飾演的司機不屑他身為馬來人卻說英文時,他狂罵,說英文不代表不是馬來人,還用華語念出的口白:“要我們學華語,我講華語又說我不是馬來人!”這其實是他的心聲和控訴。但他很慶幸他的家庭和教育背景讓他可樂觀面對這一切,也讓他學會尊重他人。他在寬容時,有次集會師生都要向孔子像做祭拜儀式,但是他自認身為回教徒不用參與這儀式,于是當所有學生跪拜的時候,他很屌地站著,他認為在紀律一向嚴厲的寬柔敢做這樣的事情是很威的事情。他馬上被校長叫過來,他對校長說,除非父親指示他這樣做,不然他是不會向肖像跪拜的。于是,校長打電話給他父親,他父親親自來到學校了解情況後,出來告訴兒子:“明天祭拜儀式的時候,你就跟著跪拜吧!”查哈敏深感不憤,他本來可以做英雄的呀!但是為何要他跪拜讓他丟臉?他父親告訴他,到每個不同文化的環境,就要學會尊重別人。只有尊重別人,他人才會尊重你。查哈敏父親在他16歲便去世了,但他永遠記得這教誨。他現在是本地少數會說三語的馬來藝人,而他非常享受他受馬來及中華文化薰陶的思想,讓他更能夠吸納和包容他人。問他是否有想過做回真正馬來化的馬來人時,他說:“我想,我非常幸運,我其實可以很馬來化時,因為我喜歡馬來傳統藝術及習俗,我在我生活上貫徹我的回教和馬來人的習俗生活。但我也喜歡中華文化和習俗,我非常享受它帶給我豐富的生活和啟發,譬如清明節拜祖先飲水思源的精神就是我們馬來人沒有的習俗,當然,我也喜歡印度舞蹈及食物,我們家人其實也一起歡慶圣誕節!”多元文化的背景是他一直感覺幸福的事。他說有一次到中國新疆取景,當他經過火焰山時,整個團隊只有他非常興奮地大喊大叫。其他人只當火焰山是一般風景區看待,只有他想起,那是他小時候讀過《西游記》的場景呀!他知道孫悟空、豬八戒、沙憎、唐三藏、牛魔王及鐵扇公主。那時,他是覺得非常幸福的。當然,他坦承,穿梭在各族之間生活,其實也發現各族之間彼此的隔閡越來越大,彼此有歧視,甚至有仇視。他曾經與華人及印度人打成一片時,遭路過的馬來人以不屑的口吻諷刺他。他舅舅去世時,他非馬來人朋友前來慰問他,卻遭到周圍的一些親友質問為何讓非回教徒在現場?他每回上德士開口說中文後,華裔德士總是如釋重負地向他說一大堆馬來人的壞話,也不憤馬來人所受到的特權,華人卻一直被欺負,但他每回下車會很理直氣壯地說:“Uncle,其實我是馬來人,但我從來沒有接受過政府的優惠和支助,我是用我的錢,我的實力進入大學,然后大學畢業!”是的,他讀瑪拉工藝大學時,他班上學生本有30人,但是畢業時卻只剩下6人。他為他一些同學不努力,或自動放棄家人典當土地、屋子給他深造的機會,說回去甘榜賣摩多而感到痛心。所以,他為自己的努力感到驕傲。有次他侄女告訴他,有朋友叫她不要和“白皮膚”的人做朋友。他聽了很生氣,馬上跟侄女說,那“白皮膚”的人很好,你一定要和他做朋友。當他看到侄女和不同膚色的同學打成一片時,他非常得意!參演15malaysia其實他有擔心他會失去馬來市場,現在看來他在華人市場確實比較受落,但是他要學習雅斯敏精神,只要是對的,就去做吧!他相信會更多人會加入反種族主義的一群!他受邀參與15malaysia時,他一聽到巫青團長凱里要和他對演,他第一的反應是:不要!但是導演告訴他,這也不正是他和凱里有機會交流的時候嗎?后來,他答應和凱里對演,因為他想起要尊重每一個人想法的理念。他要學他敬愛的雅斯敏,用愛去尊重每個人,不分膚色及宗教地對待每個人。所以,當有人問起他是什么人時,他會很直接地說,他是馬來西亞人。簡單明了。這篇是我寫的國慶特輯中,最喜歡的一篇。喜歡是因為受訪者查哈敏有許多可挖掘的故事,他是演員,也善于說故事,重點是故事好聽且有意義。由于篇幅的關系,我無法將他的故事一一寫出,一部分比較敏感的,也沒有寫在報道中。這里我整理比較完整的訪問。查哈敏有參與喜劇《Mr.siao》和《15malaysia》兩部短片的演出。我必須承認,他和很多馬來人不同,但是雅斯敏也不是和很多馬來人不同么?但是他們的存在,對于這國家,是多元文化孕育的資產,也是感動的符號。
quoted from: http://blog.yam.com/clockworkcat/article/23657568
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
life is short, live it and cherish every single moments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wat A great week
really wish to get myself a camera.
a digital compact camera
but duno when ya oni can get it.
anyone wanna fund me??kindly contact me hehehehe
or i shall write another proposal to propose my sibilings??
3.46am now.time to sleep wat an early one >.<
Sunday, July 19, 2009
a Catch Up
The Inspiration and Meaningful line
Lately i just watch so so so many movies and magazinesss
and find out this few line tat i just like it so much...
would like to share with you all.
You mustn’t let ur faith overshadowed by guilt-john constantine
If the fact don't fit the theory, change the facts---albert eistein
Friday, July 3, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
JuSt FeEl GooDdd....
been 6years time i didn't attend any marathon ady.
this would be my first time to experience the run in KL....
usually v'll just pass by all the spot in car oni.
dataran merdeka,istana.running on jalan parlimen and so.
one of the busiest road in malaysia.but today u gonna be the king..as
all the transport have to give way to u.
seems stamina really drops a lot.
but still luckily can finish the whole 10km run rite in time.
the souvenir is kinda nice oso.
dun mistaken, just a finisher medal hehehe
Last Day of Intern
really thanks a lot the my host supervisor, the mill manager, workers and staff over there. though i dun really have a close interact with them
but it truely let me know there's still lotsa things tat i nid to adapt with
nid to cope with and so...anyway just to say so happy finish my 3months training hahaha.
pals!!enjoy the holiday
but coming1 would be report and presentation oni wink*
once finish my work
just start busy with my outing hahaha..rush all the way from
rantau to KL to collect some stuff
meet up with fren and went to curve italianese.
but a little bi disppointed with it.
mayb just tat too tire. went shah alam for some shooting session.
then,KLIA...gosh, within one day we had travel for 400km++ in selangor area.
wat a crazy1.as same distance i reach ipoh ady, i guess.
anyway tml will have a run so it's time for me to sleep as wel
wake up at 5.30am lolx..bet would be the earliest throughout this 3years.
LaMent for MJ
king of POP!!
just to say tat really shock he's just passed away all in a sudd
why would mention about him in my blog?
coz i'm kinda admire him and he was my idol.
i start dancing is because of his influence.specially his popping and locking.
one of his greatest move "moonwalk"
my opinion, though lotsa ppl know how to do this trick ady.
but still nobody can replace the way he dance.
every single muscle and movement of him is just flawless and
his charisma tat irresistable charisma there's no any others artist nowadays
can replace.
He became a legacy...
god bless u and may ur love spread over the world
Saturday, June 20, 2009
life&though in JuNe
just a tick of clock,3months passed.
asking me wat i did in june?club 3times bet tat's a lot for me ady
if u know wat kind of person i am hahahahhah.
went to FRIM with my buddies,
learnt how to bake a cheese cake
the awesome things...be a zai nan at home for 2weeks liao
and gaming took most of my time i guess.just really boring til the max.
wake up at 6.30am work til5pm back home everyday was doin the same old things
become a routine ady.
luckily have 200++ games accompany me nows hahahha.
lately thinking of, wat kind of life i really wish to and want to..
and how i gonna achieve it. but end up with lotsa uncertainty
start to losing faith in myself.
really nid some courages nowadays as feel quite lonely sometimes.
though trying to fill up myself with lotsa stuff but still can't get over
the emptiness...
guess is really time for me to restart and reprogramme myself ady
setting a new goal and target in life.
chiong arrr~~~~for the uncertainty future
believe in is wat i have rite now...
btw, ppl out there if u have any plan do update with me
as i really need some outing arrr!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
my intern...
places where u saw the'smoke' is the factory and office.
where i'll spend most of the time.
though busy with my traning but still able to
Thursday, May 7, 2009
beh tahan...
just feel hopeless and disappointed with wat's happening in
our perak state.the crimes over the street they'r not attending it
but with our stupiak BN they came in armor and so...wat a stupid forces.
johor snatch theft cases, and lately in seremban are kinda serious oso.
gek sam larr~~~~
hou sam larr~~
ppl say i got shiong si beng...
but i think i have illness of boringness more than shiong si lar..
haizz...duno wat i'm typing oso lar gek.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
the night
been a long time i didn't hear ur voice.
always wondering wat are you doing now,
wat's goin to be on the next,
yet is still a message with blank page from u i receive.
a voiceless call as wel.
Fate had brought us in, but oso ended it in front of us.
Probably tat’s wat I do for the time being
By the mean time would like to shout out something for someone.
Quoted: I Hate I LoVe You
For me…missing u is wat I can say rite now
Truly miss you a lot.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
所以我选择了Mc Donald
:-p I’m lovin it 扎到吧!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
reasons for not having an engineer boyfriend.
1. most of them are busy.
2. projects, assignments and reports always the excuses.
3.having a nerd look (not really agree with this)
can't really think of, when ya have will fil it up.
or any suggestion?
but i have tons of reason for y to appreciate an engineer bf.
reasons for appreciate ur engineer's bf.
1.can say that they are kinda loyal for 80% of them
2.since they are busy, hardly for them to snake around and curi makan:p
3.they r observant and care for their gals all day long.
4.a good husband as know their goal very well
5.a good planner
7.hard to obtained a relationship in ur life
so dun think too much ady lar my fren.
will add more point when i have it :p
ARggGGhhHh,internet access ya...
sigh~~recently i'm experiencing a life without internet access
even a short blog like tis oso have to upload in cyber-cafe..
how pathethic..
seriously feel like living in a world of no where.
totally duno wat's goin around with my frens, wat's planning they are up to
wat's life they are having.
back to my intern life,
was grateful tat i have a nice manager and boss.
who willing to teach so so so much instead of taking me as an office boy :p
last tuesday just went to port dickson and have a small bbq session at the beach (illegally) i guess...
it shall be an enjoyable hang out but somthings just went wrong within me as totally not enjoy my time at all and feel upset somemore..haizz...
wish to upload so so so many photo but without my laptop,can't do anything at all.
Monday, April 13, 2009
haizz..days without internet
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
life in march 2009
EvIL-7 with the lighting effect
Identity review : keith, hooi ping, grace, LvINn, kim(predator) front roll
: Ai lin and elaine(with gloves)
my outside friends : muchmellow crew
thanks to kim, keith, grace, may peng, ai lin, hooi ping and elaine.without u gals and guy effort it won't be successful. to muchmellow crew, thanks for lending up ur arm and support us.
M3 and kenneth
kenneth the drummer :
the One who make the dance more lively. he is the drummer whom play live on stage for the performance. appreciate very much dude, as giving us such a great performance. really nice to work out with u hope we would have another opportunities to perform together again.
last but not least, devilvon(yvonne) from UKM. thanks for coming and support know ur 'tireness' lar...once finish test straight away rush over mar,rite...hehe as a token to you, help you promote promote a bit :p
NTLP(New Tune Live Performance)
Venue : Dectar UKM
Date : Thursday, March 26, 2009
Time : 7.30pm - 11.30pm
for further information contact : +6017-497 9159
or kindly e mail to : choongfai@yahoo.com
throughtout the event is there are good and bad feedback.for me still have a lot of room to improve and better could be done. really proud to be involve with the event, guess i'm so lucky tat manage to join 2largest event in uniten which organize by student first would be the TECHFLOW-christmas night second would be Watt's Goin On Concert. but frens out there, sorry to say though finish busy with the events coming i'm still busy ler. can't hang out with u all yet paiseh paiseh ~~~as there are 5projects rite in front of me now n waiting for me to eat them up T.T then final ady. perhaps after my final k :p hehhee
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All u can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
Now we're back to the begining
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that u have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Till they're before your eyes
u'll come back
when they call youno nid to say goodbye
recently i like this singer quite much..her voice was a gift and really melt me away...gosh~~she is REGINA SPEKTOR an "internet singer" duno wat's the terms for it:panyway The CALL this song is kinda meaningful for me.i have lotsa picture with this song. is kinda magical for me, coz when i'm having a diff thought or feeling this song just simply give me a different feel. it can comfort me but it make me feel emo as well. hahaha, just 2 words complicated and sophisticated .
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Thank You Letter
thanks for being there when i nid some support,advice and guidance.
thanks for willing to be my listener.
although u can't help anything out.
but is more than enough for me.
to Shin-E,
surprising to get ur msg, through ur msg
i still clearly feel ur sincerity. Appreciate is wat can i say perhaps.
thanks for the effort for looking over 70++ msg wor hehe
to guys and gals out there,
be a listener is more important than complained.
treasure ur friend truthly and greatly.
u can't buy a true fren with money but with a true heart oni.
to You,
once i had lost my faith in you, but now
i see You always by my side.When i'm weak, u raise me up give me strength
and lead me on. i shouldn't be so weak and vulnerable.
My dear lord, i'll stand up once again continue my journey without fear and any hesitation.